Recipes from Friends

In 2020, I had separate sections for recipes from friends and office parties. In revising, I realized that it wasn't always possible to distinguish friends and coworkers or to say whether or not a recipe was suitable for a party or potluck. So I combined those sections.

We moved to Chester, NJ, when Dad became a county agricultural agent in the Morris County Cooperative Extension Service. By the time we lived in Randolph, he was the senior county agent in an office that included another ag agent, a home economist, a 4-H agent, and their secretaries. When we kids were all in school, Mom started working for the U.S. Soil and Water Conservation Service in the building next door to the Extension Service. I remember lots of parties with colleagues from both offices, with other business associates, and with neighbors and other personal friends.

These recipes are divided roughly by where we lived when Grace likely collected the recipe, mostly from Chester and Randolph. I tried to keep recipes from the same person together with an explanation of who they are on the first of their recipes in the list. If I could find a decent picture, I included it. When there is no picture (which is most of the time), family and friends are welcome to email pictures to me.

multi-colored knotwork line

Recipes from grade school, chain letters, mass media, or Extension newsletters where I couldn't identify an author are in the "Mixed Bag" section.

dragon headQuestions or comments? Please envelope email me or find me on Facebook .