Chopped Liver

Bev Seglin

Bev Seglin and Grace shared the secretarial job at the Soil and Water Conservation office. Bev's husband Les was one of the specialists in the office.

The recipe is on a scrap of paper with a couple of corrections. The latest edits are in the ingredients list. The scan is below. The back side gives a tiny slice of contemporary life.

multi-colored knotwork line

  • 5 eggs, boiled
  • 1 pound liver, baked
  • 1 large onion
  • onion salt
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil or enough to keep mixture together
  • sliced onion around bottom of dish for garnish.
  • sesame seed crackers

The recipe has no directions. Here's what I would do: Finely chop the eggs, liver, onion. Mash them together with salt and oil (maybe in a food processor, but that would make it more like liverwurst). Mound on a platter, garnish with sliced onions. Spread on crackers.

multi-colored knotwork line

Grace's notes of Bev's recipe

Hand-written recipe

The back of the recipe

Hand-written recipe