Grammy's Whole Wheat Refrigerator Rolls

I am pretty sure Edith (my Grammy Klotz) wrote this letter—who else in our family used "davenport" instead of "sofa" or "couch"? So who would she call "Grammy" when writing to Aunt Sue? Most likely Edith's mother, Wilhelmina (Minnie) Dean, whom my sisters and I called Grammy Dean.

Refrigerator rolls were handy because a cook could make the dough in the morning or the day before and then bake fresh rolls just out of the oven for dinner. From the Jeffs part of the family, I added Aunt Isabella's Ice Chest Rolls after the scan of Grammy's letter.

multi-colored knotwork line

For Grammy's whole wheat rolls, use the following recipe for Refrigerator rolls, but use approximately one third whole wheat flour to two-thirds white flour — total to be the same amount as below. Catch? I think she varies the proportions of whole wheat from time to time. Around here, whole wheat flour can be bought in health stores. Good luck! [hand-written note:] Buy only a small amount because whole wheat flour does not keep well. Best store in the refrigerator.

Refrigerator Rolls (Good Housekeeping)
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons shortening
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cake yeast
  • 2 tablespoons lukewarm water
  • 1 egg, well-beaten
  • 3 1/2 to 4 cups sifted flour
Grammy's Whole Wheat Rolls
Edith's letter

Combine hot water, salt, shortening and sugar in a large bowl. Cool to lukewarm, add yeast, softened in the lukearm water. Add the egg, half the flour, and beat well. Stir in more of the flour — enough to make a dough easily handled.Grease top of dough, cover and store in refrigerator — it keeps 4 or 5 days. Cut off dough as needed, Shape into biscuits and arrange in a greased or oiled pan. Or shape into balls and place in greased or oiled 2 1/4 inch muffin pans. Cover and let rise in a warm place 80–85 degrees F) until double in bulk — about 1 1/2 hours. Bake in hot oven of 425°F for 12 to 15 minutes. Remove, brush with melted fat or salad oil. This makes about 18 medium-sized rolls. If preferred, the refrigerator roll dough may be formed into biscuits or rolls as soon as mixed. Then raise and bake as directed.

Grammy most often shapes them in three little balls for each muffin tin, like so —

diagram of the muffins
Diagram of the rolls.

added note, upside down: I'm enclosing a hunk of the material from your skirt, and also a sample of our davenport upholstery. (Guess you can tell which is which.) The skirt material is supposed to be hand washable — better test it carefully first for shrinkage, etc.