Q&N introduction: Index pages: |
This page links to Q&N index sections. See below for explanations.
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Hals Quotes & Notes (Q&N) is my reading journal. Almost every page links to the five major indexes, which list the content by Authors, Titles, Categories (of whole works), Topics (linked chains of individual quotes), and Translators. The expanded version of the Topics menu contains cross-references between topics. There are also minor indexes, one for each category and many others devoted to individual authors or translators. An extensive introduction to Q&N is reachable from any major or minor index. Within the introduction, you can navigate easily among multiple pages on different aspects of the collection. This page serves as a super-index, with links to all the alphabetical sub-sections of the five major indexes; the page breakdown of the introduction appears in the navigation menu. |
Background graphic copyright © 2006 by Hal Keen