Hal’s Quotes & Notes: Index of Translators

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Some links are to a sole work or page of material. Others are to index pages for multiple works translated (or authored) by the same person.
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Alphabetical links: A B D F G H J L M O P R S V W

translatorlanguagetranslated works

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Abdullah Yusuf AliArabicthe Qur’an
John AllenLatin and FrenchJohn Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion
Stanley AppelbaumItalianPirandello’s Right You Are If You Think You Are

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Samuel BeckettFrenchhis own Waiting for Godot
Geoffrey BrockItalianUmberto Eco’s The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
Brian BruyaChineseZen Speaks by Tsai Chih Chung
S. H. Butcherancient Greekthe Poetics of Aristotle
D Richard DixonItalianUmberto Eco’s Numero Zero

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Robert Faglesancient GreekHomer: the Iliad
Elisaveta FenRussianChekhov’s Three Sisters
Dudley Fittsancient Greekplays by Sophocles
Robert Fitzgeraldancient Greekplays by Sophocles
G Ann GoldsteinItalianClash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio, by Amara Lakhous
Samuel B. Griffithancient Chineseworks by Sun Tzu and Wu Ch’i

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Victor HarrisJapaneseMiyamoto Musashi’s A Book of Five Rings
Seamus Heaneyancient GreekSophocles’ Antigone
Brian HookerFrenchRostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac
J Jeremiah JonesGreekInfancy of Jesus Christ Gospel of Nicodemus

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Laurence J. LafleurFrench and Latinwritings of René Descartes
Richard LaurenceGe’ez (Ethiopian)The Book of Enoch
Colm Luibhead5th-century Greekwritings of pseudo-Dionysius
M Juan MascaróSanskritthe Bhagavad Gita
Michael MeyerNorwegianIbsen’s Peer Gynt
O Karl A. OlssonSwedishOlov Hartman’s Holy Masquerade
Harriet de OnísSpanishshort stories
P Margaret Sayers PedenSpanishAllende’s Zorro

Richard Pevear
(with Larissa Volokhonsky)

RussianDostoevsky’s Notes from Underground
Derek ProuseItalianplays by Ionesco
R Stella RodwayFrenchElie Wiesel’s Night

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Thomas SheltonSpanishCervantes’s Don Quixote
Sondra SilverstonHebrewAyelet Gundar-Goshen’s The Wolf Hunt
Tobias George SmollettFrenchVoltaire’s Candide and Zadig
Ruth SpeirsGermanKipphardt’s In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer
Geoffrey StrachanFrenchCyrano de Bergerac’s Other Worlds
V Philip Vellacottancient Greekplays by Aeschylus

Larissa Volokhonsky
(with Richard Pevear)

RussianDostoevsky’s Notes from Underground

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William Wake
Archbishop of Canterbury

Latin and GreekThe Shepherd of Hermas
GreekLetters of Clement I to the Corinthians
Robin Waterfieldancient Greektreatises by Xenophon
William WeaverItaliannovels and essays by Umberto Eco
A. W. WheenGermanRemarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front
Charles WilbourFrenchVictor Hugo’s Les Misérables
John WillettGermanBrecht’s Life of Galileo
John WilsonLatinErasmus’s The Praise of Folly
P. G. WodehouseHungarianThe Play’s the Thing (adapted; from Ferenc Molnar)
Clifton Wolters14th-century Middle Englishworks by the author of The Cloud of Unknowing
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Background graphic copyright © 2004 by Hal Keen