from works of
by various authors

This page:

John Bellairs: The Face in the Frost
Robert Bloch: The Hell-Bound Train
Cleve Cartmill: The Bargain
John Kier Cross: The Glass Eye
Wessel Hyatt Smitter: The Hand
John Steinbeck: Saint Katy the Virgin
Theodore Sturgeon & James H. Beard: The Hag Séleen



index pages:

Robert Bloch
The Hell-Bound Train

Copyright © 1958 by Mercury Press, Inc.

Hugo Award-winning short story, 1959

No sir, he just wasn’t cut out for petty larceny. It was worse than a sin—it was unprofitable, too. Bad enough to do the Devil’s work, but then to get such miserable pay on top of it!

text checked (see note) Mar 2006

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The Face in the Frost
by John Bellairs

Copyright © 1969 by John Bellairs
Copyright © 1969 by The Macmillan Company

Prologue They knew seven different runic alphabets, could sing the Dies Irae all the way through to the end, and knew what a Hand of Glory was. Though they could not make the moon eclipse, they could do some very striking lightning effects and make it look as though it might rain if you waited long enough.



Chapter One

“O-over-head the moon is SCREEEEAMING,

  Whi-ite as turnips on the Rhine . . .”

Chapter Eight

“Oh, good heavens! Great elephantine, cloudy, adamant heavens full of thunder stones! Roger! You can’t be serious. Are you?”

Roger was looking around and drumming his forefinger against his teeth. “If I were serious I would never have become a wizard, would I? The fact that it’s been done before doesn’t stop it from happening again.”


  Saint Athanasius

  Riffled through volumes

  In unseemly haste;

“Trying to find out if


  John of Jerusalem

  Liked almond paste.”


Silly poetry


  John Cantacuzene

  Swaddled in Byzantine

  Pearl-seeded robes

“Put out the eyes of his


  Prelate, for piercing his

  Priestly ear lobes.”

Chapter Eleven “The last time it held its breath we got two hours of ‘Overhead the Moon Is Screaming’ and bagpipes playing Gregorian chants.”

text checked (see note) Feb 2005

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Cleve Cartmill
The Bargain

Copyright © 1942 by The Condé Nast Publications, Inc., successors to Street and Smith, Inc.

“Man bein’ what he is,” I tell her, “he fights and kills his own kind. Well, now, just suppose he gets to be immortal. Why, ma’am, it would just be war forever, and no happiness anywhere. Way it is, mostly the ones who rule have done more harm than good, what with wars and conquest. If they couldn’t die off and give the human race a breathin’ spell now and then, it would just be stinkin’ awful, beggin’ your pardon.”

But you wouldn’t expect anybody who thinks twice about it to ask to be made immortal.

Reason is there’s nothing that rightly equals the lonesomeness of growin’ older after all your friends die off. Nobody to talk to, lessn it’s little tots, because the grown-ups don’t want to hear about the good old days, and they don’t want to take you with ’em social.



“The creed of man in general is that life is merely preparation for something beyond. His whole existence is based on the certainty of death and consequent existence on another plane. That is why he endures pain and sorrow, hardship and disappointment, to fit himself better for the next life. That is why he does not take his own life, for by the taking of it he cuts short that necessary training period.”

text checked (see note) Nov 2005

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The Glass Eye
by John Kier Cross

Copyright © 1946 by John Kier Cross

There are things that are funny so that you laugh at them, and there are things that are funny but you don’t laugh at them at all—at least, if you do, you aren’t laughing because they amuse you: you are doing what Bergson says you do when you laugh—you are snarling. You are up against something you don’t understand—or something you understand too well, but don’t want to give in to.



“All right, I’ll give you money. But on one condition. One of my eyes is a glass eye. Tell me which eye it is and you shall have all I possess.”

The beggar looked at him intently, and at length said solemly:

“Your right eye, Master, is the glass eye.”

The philosopher was astonished.

“Tell me how you knew,” he cried. “That eye was made by the greatest craftsman in the world—it should be impossible to tell it from a real eye. How did you know that my right eye was the glass one?”

“Because, Master,” said the beggar slowly, “because your right eye was the one that had a compassionate look in it.”

text checked (see note) June 2022

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The Hand
by Wessel Hyatt Smitter

Copyright © 1937 by Story Magazine, Inc.

There ought to be laws for machines the same as for people.

“Steam is like a young lion locked up in a cage; electricity is like a man and the Devil in one person.”



text checked (see note) June 2022

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Saint Katy the Virgin
by John Steinbeck

Copyright © 1938 by John Steinbeck

In addition he called people fools, which is unkind and unwise even if they are.
Brother Paul looked forward to trying the graces of God in Heaven but Brother Colin was all for testing them on earth. The people called Colin a fine man and Paul a good man. They went tithing together, because what Brother Colin couldn’t get by persuasion, Brother Paul dug out with threats and descriptions of the fires of Hell.



“Every time there’s a tight place for a pious man to get out of, there’s a lion in it. Look at Daniel, look at Samson, look at any number of martyrs just to stay in the religious list; and I could name many cases like Androcles that aren’t religious at all. No, Brother, the lion is a beast especially made for saintliness and orthodoxy to cope with. If there’s a lion in all those stories it must be because of all creatures, the lion is the least impervious to the force of religion. I think the lion must have been created as a kind of object lesson.”

text checked (see note) June 2022

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The Hag Séleen
by Theodore Sturgeon and James H. Beard

Copyright © 1942 by The Condé Nast Publications, Inc., successors to Street and Smith, Inc.

I would say something—anything—and she would try to say something that rhymed with it. Then it would be her turn. [...]

I started off with “We’ll go home and eat our dinners.”

“An’ Lord have mercy on us sinners,” she cried. Then, “Let’s see you find a rhyme for ‘month’!”

“I bet I’ll do it . . . jutht thith onth,” I replied. “I guess I did it then, by cracky.”

“Course you did, but then you’re wacky. Top that, mister funny-lookin’!”

I pretended I couldn’t, mainly because I couldn’t, and she soundly kicked my shin as a penance.



She is a beautiful woman with infinite faith and infinite patience, the proof of which being that: a—she married me and, b—she stayed married to me.




text checked (see note) Nov 2005

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Background graphic copyright © 2003 by Hal Keen
Pattern suggested by a 4th- or 5th-century Syrian mosaic fragment in the collection of The Minneapolis Institute of Arts.