Pickles by Brian Crane
Copyright © 2003 by Washington Post Writers Group
Copyright © 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2022, 2023, 2024 by Brian Crane
2003 | September 30 |
Sylvia: Mom, the other day Dan asked me if you and Dan actually love each other.
Opal: Thats a silly question. Of course we love each other. Why would he ask such a thing?
Sylvia: Its because you and Dad argue all the time, thats why.
Opal: Well, heck, if there arent any arguments in a marriage, it just means one of you isnt necessary.
| Topic: Marriage
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2006 | March 9 |
Earl: Sometimes I think the situation in the world today is hopeless. And then I remember the words of a poem...
Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul
And sings the tune without words and never stops at all.
And then I think, what ever happened to that noisy old parakeet we used to have?
| source
October 23 |
Earl: What happened to your foot, Opal?
Opal: I sprained my ankle.
Earl: Thats unusual for you. You have such thick ankles you hardly ever sprain them.
Opal bounces a cushion off Earls head.
Earl: You need to work on accepting compliments more gracefully!
| Topic: Compliments
2009 | April 6 |
Earl: Im trying to get the DVD player to open up so I can put in this DVD. Ive pushed all the buttons, but nothing works!
Opal: Pablo Picasso said, I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
Earl: Yeah, well I am always doing that which I cannot do, because I keep forgetting how I did it the last time.
| Topic: Technology
May 14 |
Earl: Life . . . is like a grapefruit. Its yellow-orange and squishy, and it has a few seeds in it. . . and if youre not careful, it will squirt you in the eye.
Hey, thats pretty good! I should be sitting on a mountaintop dispensing wisdom.
Opal: I second that motion.
| Topic: Philosophy
November 18 |
Earl: [...] Life is a lot easier if you can learn to laugh at yourself.
Nelson: But I cant think of anything Ive done to laugh about.
Earl: Well, son, that just means youre not doing enough stupid things.
| Topic: Humor
2010 | May 4 |
Earl: Hows the painting coming, Opal?
Opal: An artist cannot talk about his art any more than a plant can discuss horticulture. Jean Cocteau.
Earl: You cant tell what its supposed to be either, huh?
| Topic: Art
July 2 |
Opal: Did you just say you dont believe everything you know?
Earl: Yes.
Opal: Well, thats ridiculous. You cant know something and not believe it.
Earl: I know, I know. I dont believe it, though.
| Topic: Belief
December 11 |
Earl: What are you doing up there, Nelson?
Nelson: Trying to see your brain.
Earl: My brain? What are you talking about?
Nelson: Aunt Pearl said youre so bald that a person can see whats on your mind.
| Topic: Baldness
2011 | March 10 |
Earl: Young folks think they know everything. What they dont realize is that we old folks know more about being young than young people know about being old. Do you see what I mean?
Nelson: If young people want to know about being old, we can just Google it.
| Topic: Age
2012 | June 27 |
Earl: When I was a kid we were taught that atoms are the smallest things in the universe. I believed that for years. And then I found out there are things even smaller than atoms, things like neutrons and quarks.
... and those tiny little screws that hold your eyeglasses together!
| Topic: Science
July 16 |
Earl: You know what really ticks me off? Old people who sit around and complain about things.
Clyde: But youre an old person, and you sit around and complain about things.
Earl: I know. And that really ticks me off.
2013 | April 15 |
Earl: My grandfather told me there are only two kinds of people in the world.
Clyde: Well, what are they, Earl?
Earl: I dont know. He didnt say.
Clyde: Probably people who finish their thoughts and those who dont.
| Topic: Two kinds
May 25 |
Opal (singing): When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie thats amo...
Earl (interrupting): Must you?
Opal: Havent you ever heard the quote, Dont die with your music still inside you?
Earl: Sure, why not infect someone else with it before you go?
| Topic: Music
2022 | October 20 |
Earl: Yes, Nelson, the most important part of being a grampa is giving words of advice to others. After all, whats the use of having all this wisdom if I dont share it with others?
Opal, dont try to carry all that laundry at once. Its better to make two trips.
carrying the laundry: Sometimes its wiser to say nothing.
| Topic: Wisdom
2023 | August 30 |
Opal: Earl, the best way to look for a lost item is, One ... Look where it should be ...
Two ... Look in places where youve lost it before ...
Three ... Retrace all your recent steps, you may have dropped it somewhere ...
Four ... Go buy a new one, and the lost one will show up immediately.
2024 | August 5 |
Earl: I think I might have destinesia.
Nelson: Whats that?
Earl: Thats when you get where you wanted to be, but you cant remember why.