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Dale Dauten | Category: | index pages:
Meghan Daum | ||
Whats adulthood? The ads will tell us.
from the Los Angeles Times; |
If the thirtysomething gang could watch a show like Mad Men, they probably would feel about Don Draper as I now do about them. And even with their careers, kids, mortgages and responsibilities, they would wonder if they had been absent the day the grown-up badges were handed out. And then, guess what? A commercial would come on, providing a subtle but strong hint at the answers to the question of where and how childhood ends and real life begins. Adulthood isnt an objective truth. It isnt even as many might argue a state of mind. Its an idea sold on TV season to season. And once you get it home, it never looks quite like it did in the ad. | Topics: |
text checked (see note) Aug 2009 |
Jack Davies | ||
Lets keep it a clean constitution
Star Tribune Commentary page, |
A good constitution, like Minnesotas, does three things. First, it sets up the structure of government. That is, it creates the legislative, executive and judicial branches and establishes a few basic rules relating to those branches and to local government units. Second, it protects our most fundamental rights. Third, it guards against having the Legislature and governor succumb to the worst temptations of financial irresponsibility, power-grabbing and favor-granting that history experience has exposed. A good constitution, like Minnesotas, does nothing more. A good constitution, like Minnesotas, leaves most policymaking in the hands of each new Legislature. The truth is that constitution makers, when they write or amend the basic charter, are not at that moment better informed on most issues than a future legislature will be. | |
text checked (see note) Oct 2012 |
Paul Douglas | ||
Star Tribune weather page, |
Optimist. Noun. One who usually expects a favorable outcome. Alternate definition: A Minnesotan with a pool or a convertible. | Topic: |
Star Tribune weather page, |
Hold on, mom, theyre plowing the lake. That may be the oddest sentence thats ever come out of my mouth. I remember a long pause on the other end of the phone. Say what? | Topic: |
Star Tribune weather page, |
Its so hot they installed a fan in the debt ceiling. | Topic: |
Star Tribune weather page, |
Every snowstorm is a unique riddle wrapped inside a headache. | |
text checked (see note) Oct 2007; Nov 2008; Jun 2021; Mar 2024 |
Rod Dreher | ||
My fellow conservatives: Can we think?
from the Dallas Morning News; |
It would be a pleasant surprise if conservatives who took the president of the United States addressing youths as an opportunity to stumble toward the fainting couch realized that they had made fools of themselves. Fat chance. Obama Derangement Syndrome is pandemic on the right and its leaving conservatives like me politically homeless. | |
Unlike this or the last president, I believe in fiscal responsibility, limits, localism and foreign-policy realism. I also distrust the mob which is why the degraded state of conservative politics today is so demoralizing. Conservatism is not dead, its undead a zombie dedicated to little more than frenetic gestures execrating Obama, and to regaining power. Where can those who wish to think and debate clearly about a serious politics of the right go? The degenerate form of populism now dominant on the right loves to praise freedom but it has no use for freedom of thought, or for thinking much at all. In turn, increasing numbers of thoughtful conservatives have no use for it. | Topic: | |
text checked (see note) Sep 2009 |
Gwynne Dyer | ||
Seeing the human side of mass murderers
Star Tribune Commentary page, |
Mass murder in the name of a principle is as human as apple pie, borsht and steamed rice. Treating the perpetrators as space aliens simply disguises the nature of the problem. The potential mass killers live among us, as they always have. They often have perfectly good manners, and some even have high ideals. And the only way the rest of us have to keep them from power is to remember always that the end does not justify the means. | |
A town accustomed to bombs
Star Tribune Commentary page, |
During the whole of World War II, about 30,000 Londoners were killed by German bombs and three-quarters of a million lost therir homes. Then, between 1971 and 2001, London was the target of 116 bombs set by various factions of the Irish Republican Army, although they only killed 50 people and injured around 1,000. And not once during all those bombs did people in London think that they were being attacked because of their values and their way of life. It was clear to them that they were being attacked because of British policies abroad, or the policies of Britains friends and allies. [...] Nasty things, bombs, but those who send them your way are usually rational people with rational goals, and they almost never care about your values or your way of life. Londoners understand that, and it has a calming effect, because once you have grasped that basic fact you are no longer dealing with some faceless, formless, terrifying unknown, but just a bunch of people who are willing to kill at random in order to get your government to change its policies. | |
text checked (see note) Apr 2005, Jul 2005 |
John Patrick Egelhof | ||
Ive felt the pain. I get the arguments.
in the Star Tribune |
[...] the NRA did not commit the Sandy Hook massacre and is not a terrorist organization equal to Al-Qaida. The NRA does much good in regards to firearms in this country, sponsoring responsible shooting events, safety training and education for thousands every year, including children. The NRA is not composed of cowardly white rural males who drive pickup trucks and use poor English. People from all walks of life have benefited from being taught the principles of safe and responsible firearm use by the NRA. The Second Amendment is not about hunting. It is about the history-changing idea that common people should be able to possess arms to preserve their safety and freedom. | |
To the arguments that guns in the home are more likely to kill a family member than an intruder; that many so-called defensive uses of guns are actually criminal escalations; that guns seldom solve a problem I agree. But not all of us in this country live in a city where there are hundreds or thousands of police officers and you can expect to hear sirens within 30 seconds of dialing 911. | ||
All that said, the NRA and we gun owners have tolerated an intolerable situation: the profusion of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines; the ridiculous loophole of gun shows and private sales evading the instant background check; the inability of the background check to be integrated with the National Crime Information Center; the lack of due diligence in transferring firearms to those who should not have them; the lack of cooperation with law enforcement to report problematic behavior; the selfishness of our desires to have more and more lethal weapons and technology without concern for our terrified fellow citizens who do not share the belief that such weapons better secure us. If we cherish our right to bear arms, we must be vigilant in assuring others that it is being exercised responsibly. | Topic: | |
I say ban the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines or put them under the National Firearms Act as Class III ATF regulated destructive devices requiring yearly, retrictive federal licensing provisions. | ||
We must recall that we live in a complicated, diverse society. If we persist in lashing out in our emotion, demonizing and accusing each other, we will feed the false perceptions on either side. We must ignore the agenda-driven extremists on either side, whether its the NRAs vice president or the ban-and-confiscate-all-guns advocates. It is pointless to look for blame. Too many guns, too few restrictions, inadequate laws to deal with the mentally ill, violent video games and an amoral film industry. All true. But again, here we are. We must act. | ||
text checked (see note) Apr 2013 |
Khalid Elmasry | ||
What the Quran really says about tolerance
in the Star Tribune |
The Quran is clear that there is no compulsion in religion. There are countless more verses instructing Muslims to respect others beliefs. One such verse states, Oh Prophet! Exhort them, your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them to believe. Critics of Islam often mistakenly refer to a Quranic verse out of context, which would suggest harshness by Muslims to non-Muslims. [...] The truth is that any verse in the Quran that speaks harshly of non-Muslims by encouraging Muslims to fight them is always in the context of self-defense. Furthermore, this is always a means of last resort, when it becomes a matter of survival. | Compare to: Topic: |
text checked (see note) Jul 2007 |
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