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Newspaper items

index pages:

William Safire
“Threat to family values isn’t coming from same-sex marriage,”

from the New York Times,
published in the Star Tribune July 1, 2003

Why do too many Americans derogate as losers those parents who put family ahead of career, or smack their lips reading about celebrities who switch spouses for fun? Why do we turn to the government for succor, to movie porn and violence for sex and thrills, to the Internet for companionship, to the restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner—when those functions are the ties that bind families?

I used to fret about same-sex marriage. Maybe competition from responsible gays would revive opposite-sex marriage.



Same-sex marriage

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The Saint Paul Press

December 2, 1862

The celebrated portrait painter Stuart, once met a lady in the street in Boston, who saluted him with “Oh, Mr. Stuart, I have just seen your miniature, and I kissed it, because it was so much like you.” “And did it kiss you in return?” “Why, no!” “Then,” said Stuart, “ ’twas not like me.”



text checked (see note) Oct 2008

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Robert M. Sapolsky
“For some people, lying is electric”

published in the Star Tribune June 11, 2012

In a 2010 report in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Harvard psychologists Joshua Greene and Joseph Paxton asked a great question: When people are confronted with the opportunity to lie, what differs in the brains of people who succumb to the temptation and those who don’t?

For the study, each subject was placed in an MRI machine, a scanner that indicates the ongoing levels of activity in different brain regions. The volunteers had a simple task. There’d be a series of virtual coin tosses by a computer, and before each one, the subject had to predict the outcome. Guess right, and there’d be a financial reward.

But there was a twist. Subjects were told a great piece of nonsense, namely that the purpose of the study was to determine whether people had better paranormal powers at predicting the future when the predictions were made in private. To examine this, scattered through the series of coin tosses would be the occasional instance where instead of a subject entering the prediction before the toss, he would privately make his prediction. Then, after the toss, he’d be asked: So, did you guess right? In other words, people were given the opportunity to lie.

Coin tosses being what they are, predictions could be expected to be correct roughly half the time. If the success rate skyrocketed when there was the opportunity to cheat, odds were that there was a liar in the brain scanner.

To start, here’s some demoralizing news – fewer than half of the people were in the clear-cut-honest range, with success rates remaining around 50 percent when they had the chance to cheat. About a third seemed to be lying often enough that their success rates were well above 50 percent at those times. The remaining subjects had success rates that were somewhere in between, and thus hard to classify.

Central to the results was a region called the prefrontal cortex, or the PFC. This is one interesting part of the brain – it’s all about self-discipline, gratification postponement, emotional regulation, control of impulsiveness. It’s the part of the brain that makes you do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do. It’s bigger and more complex in humans than in any other species, is our most recently evolved brain region and is the last part of our brains to fully mature.

So when the opportunity to cheat arose, the activity in the PFCs of liars shot up like crazy. The scans showed the trace of an epic moral battle – do it, don’t, yes do it, no don’t – that the liars lost.



Greene and Paxton present two differing views in moral philosophy about honesty: Is honesty an act of will? Does it require a person working hard to refrain from doing the wrong thing? Or is it an act of grace, effortless because temptation isn’t tempting? In the study’s paradigm, it was grace all the way – among the unequivocally honest, there was no increase in PFC activity when the chance to cheat arose.

In the face of real life’s temptations, a majority of us are not going to get by on pure grace. We ooze our human frailties.

Yet there are those who glide through minefields of enticement, doing the difficult, rare, brave, correct thing as naturally as breathing.

“Are you naughty or nice? (Don’t think twice.)”

published in the Star Tribune January 11, 2013

Do we tend to become more or less noble than usual when we must act on rapid intuition?

Light is shed on this in a recent study by David Rand and colleagues at Harvard, published in the prestigious journal Science, and the research is relevant to recent tragic events. The authors recruited volunteers to play one of those economic games in which individuals in a group are each given some hypothetical money. Each person must decide whether to be cooperative and benefit the entire group, or to act selfishely and receive greater individual gain.

A key part of the experiment was that the scientists altered how much time subjects had to decide whether to cooperate. And that made a difference. When people had to make a rapid decision based on their gut, levels of cooperation rose. Give them time to reflect on the wisdom of their actions, and levels of cooperation fell.

With a different set of volunteers, the authors also manipulated how much respect subjects had for intuitive decisionmaking. Just before playing the economics game, subjects had to either write a paragraph about a time when it had paid off to make a decision based on intuition rather than reflection, or a paragraph about a time when reflection turned out to be the best way to go. The result? Bias people toward valuing quick, intuitive decisionmaking, and they acted more for the common good in the subsequent game. But bias people in the reflective direction, and “looking out for No. 1” comes more to the forefront – something the authors termed “calculated greed.”



Now, kids don’t learn to act for the common good through moral reasoning – 5-year-olds don’t think, “My goodness, if I act with self-interest at this juncture, it will decrease the likelihood of future reciprocal altruism, thereby depressing levels of social capital in my community.”

Kids don’t learn to care for the well-being of others by thinking. They do so by feeling – imagine how that person feels, imagine how you would feel if that were done to you. Barney and Mister Rogers, rather than Immanuel Kant and Soren Kierkegaard. A world in which goodness is an act of intuition, rather than of reasoning. As well as a world in which cynicism and distrust are not yet commonplace.

This must do interesting things to an adult who spends lots of time around young kids, this world of trust and intuition-based decency.



text checked (see note) Jul 2012; Apr 2013

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Robert Saxton
“Dear conservative-leaning friend...”

Star Tribune, September 28, 2012

So, why have we spent all the time and money to place the question on the ballot this November? Well, the stated reason is to protect marriage from the scary, deviant gays who will surely do something terrible to the institution by, well, honoring it. [...]

So, let’s summarize: If you vote yes on the marriage amendment, gays will still be here. They will still have relationships. They will still have ceremonies, pledging to love and honor one another, and will still adopt, bear and raise children together — as a family. That horse, you should have noticed by now, has already left the barn, jumped the gate, run down the road — and is looking fabulous.

Here, then, is what a yes vote will do: It will make sure that these families can never share health insurance. Or have guaranteed hospital visitation rights. Or allow their estates to automatically go to one another in case of death. Or buy a family fishing license. Or a joint college savings account. The list goes on. [...] Do you really care if a gay couple gets to file their taxes together or buys a family fishing license? Because when it really comes down to it, that’s all they want. Whether we call them married, coupled, partnered or unioned is beside the point. They’re going to use whatever term they feel like using, and nobody can do squat about it.


Same-sex marriage

text checked (see note) Oct 2012

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Lee Schafer
“Strategy without execution is a vision with no results”

Star Tribune, December 5, 2021

Execution is an underappreciated part of business management. And, no, it doesn’t mean “operations” or the back office. It is taking an idea or a plan and making real and specific changes in the work that gets done, be it in front of customers or in the back office.

Workers are typically thought of as inherently resistant to change, and while workers do think first about their own pay, responsibilities, hours and so on, it seems more accurate to say workers are understandably resistant to dumb changes.

text checked (see note) December 2021

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Bob Shanks

interviewed by Neil Justin, and quoting George S. Kaufman
[The incident recounted was from The Tonight Show, with host Jack Paar.]

“ ‘20/20’ and more: Lunch with a TV legend you’ve never heard of” by Neil Justin

Star Tribune, November 20, 2005

[...] Jack asked him if he had ever gotten any great advice from anyone. Kaufman said, “Yes, as a matter of fact. My grandfather said, ‘Son, try everything in life except incest and folk dancing.’ ”



text checked (see note) Nov 2005

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Michelle Singletary
“Lifestyle inflation may be keeping you from financial security”

from the Washington Post
published in the Star Tribune
July 15,2024

[...] I have worked with people who barely make it paycheck to paycheck despite living as frugally as they can.

Theirs is not a matter of overspending on frivolity. They don’t make enough money to cover the necessities of life.

I have also counseled many people who have mismanaged their earnings. They blame inflation or a stressed economy. I see the truth.

Shopping is their therapy. (It would be cheaper and better for your psyche, bank account and net worth to pay for a therapist.)

They eat out – a lot. They have made the choice to send their children to colleges they can’t afford, relying on student loans that will take decades to pay off. They couldn’t fathom sending their children to community college first to reduce costs.

Their consumer consumption is so out of control that even a high six-figure salary doesn’t help. They are living paycheck to paycheck.

Do you have an income problem, or do you suffer from lifestyle inflation?

The truth is you won’t ever think you have enough money if you don’t acknowledge actual abundance.

text checked (see note) Jul 2024

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Harrison Smith
“ ‘A love letter to ... my faith’ ”

Obituary: the Rev. Gustavo Gutiérrez
Founder of Liberation Theology

The Washington Post

published in
The Minnesota Star Tribune
November 3, 2024

[...] he ministered to the poor and came to the conclusion that poverty was not an accident but “a human construction,” the result of structural inequalities in politics and society.

Poverty, he argued, was something to be opposed rather than endured, and clergy and parishioners needed to play a leading role in championing those who were most in need.

“Only authentic solidarity with the poor and a real potest against the poverty of our time,” he wrote, “can provide the concrete, vital context necessary for a theological discussion of poverty.”

The central question of liberation theology, he said, was, “How do you say to the poor, the oppressed, the insignificant person, ‘God loves you’?”

text checked (see note) Nov 2024

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Jim Souhan
“As we depart, one final ‘Prego’ ”

Star Tribune,
February 27, 2006

At their best, the Winter Games are strange. The definition of a winter sport is what your parents told you never to do — dance on ice, ski with guns, throw yourself off a mountain. What’s next, two-man running-with-scissors?



The Olympics

“Pot suspension on eve of Olympics is cruel and senseless”

Star Tribune,
July 5, 2021

Someday soon — maybe in a year, maybe at the next Olympic trials — Americans will look back at last week’s events and ask how any organization could have been so daft, so anachronistic, so wrongheaded.

“Wait,” they will say in the future. “You’re telling me that the United States kept one of its best athletes out of the Olympics because of marijuana? A drug that isn’t performance-enhancing? A drug that was legal in her home state and in the state in which she competed in college? A drug that is now sold at Target and Kowalski’s, right there next to the chips and lava lamps?

“Didn’t anyone have the guts and foresight to do the right thing?”

Those who believe in living by the letter of the law ignore the fact that laws are constantly changing, that there is always gray between the letters and lines.

Did you know that in Massachusetts, it is illegal for anyone over 16 to curse athletes or game officials?

Have you ever been to a Boston sporting event?

“Sausage, surgery and new superstitions”

Star Tribune,
May 3, 2024

Hitters started touching the summer sausage before they went to the plate, and soon the Twins, unlike that sausage, were on a roll.

Superstitions in sports are more logical than you might realize. Baseball hitters constantly deal with failure and obsess over mechanics. Pondering smelly meat removes counterproductive thoughts just when you should be thinking, as Kirby Puckett did, “See ball, hit ball.”



text checked (see note) Feb 2006; Jul 2021; May 2024

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Joel Stein
“Dept. of Plenty Money”

from the Los Angeles Times;
printed in the Star Tribune
February 7, 2009

During the shoot, Plies rapped in a room filled with fake cash. But when he threw the money in the air, he used a completely real stack totaling $10,000. You can study economics from books all you want, but unless you’ve been on a rap video set, you’re not going to know that fake money doesn’t throw right.



text checked (see note) Feb 2009

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Charlotte Sullivan
“An unavoidable truth”

Star Tribune,
September 16, 2007

The secret to perpetuating bigotry is to make those in positions of power and privilege believe they are the ones under attack. [...] Bigotry turns the perpetrators of violence and discrimination into the victims themselves, in their own minds.



text checked (see note) Sep 2007

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Cass R. Sunstein
“Would you have sought out this story? Which others?”


published in the Star Tribune,
August 13, 2013

Newspapers create what we might call an architecture of serendipity, in which readers encounter all sorts of stories, facts, ideas and opinions that they didn’t select. Much of what they encounter seems boring, irritating, wrong or offensive, but on occasion it turns out to be surprising, delightful, alarming, important and even life-changing.



Why shouldn’t people see what they want?

The best answer is that in communications, as in daily life, serendipity is highly desirable — an important part of freedom and self-government, not an obstacle to them. Those who read only what they identify in advance end up narrowing their horizons; they may create echo chambers of their own designs.

This is a social problem, not merely an individual one. When like-minded people speak only with one another, they tend to go to extremes, thus aggravating political polarization. An architecture of serendipity can reduce that effect. It can also create a kind of social glue, by creating common understandings and experiences for members of a highly diverse nation.

It is ironic that old-fashioned newspapers served some of their most important social functions only because of technological limitations, which prevented them from giving their customers only what they want. Those limitations are a thing of the past. [...] Whatever their emerging form, it is critical, for individuals and societies alike, that they continue to provide readers with the experience of serendipity.

text checked (see note) Aug 2013

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