Index by Contributor Names

By first names. See also: Index by Recipes

Adelia Seaman Jeffs DeBaun (Gramma Jeffs )

Grace's grandmother, Martha Moore's mother


Includes unnamed friends, recipe chain letters, radio and TV.

Averil Jean

Grace's cousin.

Barbara Hollywood

The 4-H agent before Rosemary in the Cooperative Extension Service

Betty Brooks

Neighbor in Chester, NJ

Bev Seglin

Soil Conservation Service. See also Les Seglin.

Black Forest Inn

Stanhope, New Jersey

Bobby Darin

Singer-songwriter, 1936–1973.

Carl Fritz Klotz (Grampy Klotz)

Carl's father, Grace's father-in-law

Carl Hugo Klotz (Dad, Grampy)

Celeste Erendrea

Jill's friend from Toronto, Ontario

Cooperative Extension Service

Carl was the Agricultural, later Senior agent, in the Morris County Extension Service.

Ed Grasso

Soil Consevation Service

Edith Dean Klotz (Grammy Klotz, Great-Grammy)

Carl's mother, Grace's mother-in-law

Edythe Risberg

Aunt Sue's friend

Elaine Ferris (Ellen)

Jill's friend from Michigan State University and the Society for Creative Anachronism

George Stang

Soil Consevation Service

Ginny English

Neighbor across Lake Ganoga, Red Rock, PA.

Grace Averil Klotz, née Hyler (Mom, Grammy)


Gramma Jeffs, see Adelia

Gramma Moore, see Martha Moore

Grammy Klotz, see Edith

Grampy, see Carl Fritz (father) or Carl Hugo (son)

Hal Keen

Jill's husband

Ines Bottone

Mother of Carol's friend Sue in Randolph, NJ

Irene Cook

Wife of Warren Cook, NJ Deprtment of Agrculture.

Jill Keen née Klotz

Grace's daughter, the editor

Joe Rotola

Soil Conservation Service

Joyce Wycoff

Next-door neighbor in Chester, NJ

Les Seglin

Soil Conservation Office. See also Bev Seglin

Liz Elgarten

Neighbor in Randolph, NJ

Margaret Gernert (Aunt Margaret)

Martha Moore's sister, Grace's aunt

Martha Moore (Gramma Moore)

Grace's mother

Marti Young née Klotz

Grace's daughter

Millie Mienhold

Home economist, Morris County Cooperative Extension Service

Soil Conservation Service

After her three girls were in school, Grace started working part-time for the SCS.

Aunt Sue, see Vanita

Sue Crossley

Neighbor in Randolph, NJ

Vanita Klotz Hicks (Aunt Sue)

Carl's sister